Projects and Programming Ideas by Makerspace

3D Printer

3D printers provide the ability to create a wide array of small 3D objects. Projects for this equipment could include printing game pieces, statues, custom cases or housings for Arduino projects. Check out Thingiverse, which has a vast collection of 3D printer designs generated and shared by the maker community.

Computing and Coding Equipment

Many kits under this category come with a booklet of basic projects that makers can make use of. Libraries may hold workshops for beginners to get started with this technology, or libraries may have themed projects, such as those found in Simon Monk’s zombie survival book, The Maker’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse.

Crafting Tools

This category of projects will vary depending on the equipment available in each specific makerspace, but projects can be modified based on the materials available. For locations with a button or sticker maker, there may be workshops with a seasonal theme such as flowers in spring, or if there is a local election occurring soon a workshop could be framed around learning about advertisement campaigning practices. Check out an example of a crafting project, the Cardboard Automata.

Design and Software Studio

Besides instructional workshops to provide guidance on the use of software, libraries could host digital design contests for posters or artworks that could be hosted on the library website.

Digitization and Document Equipment

While this equipment might seem mostly functional, engaging information sessions can promote awareness of technological obsolescence and the need to refresh or convert older storage formats to prevent the loss of treasured memories and important materials.

Recording Studio and Equipment

To help makers get the most out of this kind of space, libraries may hold instructional workshops, as well as video or song contests hosted on the library’s website. This could even be held in conjunction with a design contest if the library also has a Design and Software Studio. For example, if the design contest is to create an advertisement for a fictional product, there could also be an advertising jingle contest for these fictional products as well.

Style and Fabric Studio

There are lots of small fabric projects that can introduce makers to the equipment in the Style and Fabric Studio category. Project ideas include making throw pillows out of old t-shirts, making face masks, or holding workshops that teach makers how to mend their clothes.

Workshop Tools

This category of projects will vary depending on the equipment available in each specific makerspace, but projects can be modified based on the tools and materials available. For example, laser cutters can be used to add pattern and detail to a variety of materials. One idea for an introductory project is to use the laser cutter to add custom designs to drink coasters. Always be sure to do your research about what materials can be used with a tool in advance.

Is Your Makerspace Temporarily Closed?

If it is not possible to open the library makerspace, equipment and activities might still be available that makers can complete at home. For example, this blog post provides some ideas for kids. Browse for Circulating tag for take-home kits.

Further Resources

There are many different resources about makerspaces available for libraries both online and in print. Click the buttons below for a list of resources to get started and where to browse your library shelves.

Resources for Libraries

Found in the Catalogue

Find Your Maker Community

Check out the Makerspace Map for makerspaces in your area and across southern Ontario to visit.

Makerspace Map